Alrosa witnesses a stable demand for high-quality roughs in April. Russian diamond miner Alrosa held auctions for special size rough diamonds at its main trading offices in April to meet clients’ demand in purchasing high-quality rough. Responding to the market’s needs amid the remaining and newly introduced counter-pandemic measures worldwide, Alrosa in April held rough diamond auctions at those trading offices where it was possible. During the month, auctions for special size (over 10.8 carats) rough diamonds were held with viewings in Antwerp, Dubai, Moscow and Ramat Gan.
In Antwerp, Alrosa sold 121 lots weighing 1,855 carats and earned $10.3 million. 22 companies from Belgium, India, Israel, and the UAE bought the goods.
In Dubai, 137 diamonds with a total weight of 2,126 carats were sold to 42 companies from Belgium, India, Israel, UAE, and Russia. The overall revenue amounted to $10.7 million.
At an auction in Moscow, Alrosa sold 237 diamonds weighing 3,353 carats for $12.2 million. Diamonds were purchased by 25 companies from Belgium, China, Israel, India, and the UAE.
The auction in Ramat Gan fetched $9.1 million, 37 companies from Belgium, India, and Israel bought 113 rough diamonds weighing 1,786 carats.
“Answering its clients’ requests, Alrosa in April mobilized all main trading offices where auctions were possible. Results show that there is a persisting need for high-quality rough at the market. During April auctions, the company sold more than 90 percent of lots tendered with total proceeds significantly higher than starting prices,” commented Evgeny Agureev, Deputy CEO of Alrosa.